In this episode of "Peer 2 Peer," host Amanda Foster from Foster Decor Consulting interviews Stephanie Costello from Rumble Interiors about her experience with the VIP intensive service. Stephanie describes the process as challenging but rewarding, highlighting how it helped her dig deep into her business goals and brand identity.
Stephanie shares her journey of realizing she only needs 2-3 high-caliber clients per year and embracing her unique design style. She discusses overcoming mental blocks about targeting specific clients and styles, and learning to let go of control and trust the branding process.
The conversation delves into Stephanie's eclectic design style, which incorporates Southwestern maximalist elements and Feng Shui principles. She emphasizes her focus on rich textures, patterns, and asymmetry in her designs. Stephanie also shares insights about her current projects, including a full gut remodel with a cozy cabin theme and a two-year project for a 1913 Craftsman home with eclectic, themed rooms.
Amanda and Stephanie discuss the importance of brand clarity and embracing one's unique style in interior design. They explore how the VIP intensive helped Stephanie overcome barriers from her past experiences as a hairdresser and learn to share more about herself in her business.
The episode concludes with Stephanie expressing gratitude for the collaborative process and how it has helped her refine her business focus. She encourages others to check out her work at Rumble Interiors, emphasizing the transformative impact of the VIP intensive on her brand and business approach.

Amandork : Amanda here from Foster Core Consulting and we have an exciting episode on peer-to-peer. We have a very special guest today. The awesome Stephanie Costello from Rumble Interiors. Say Hi Stephanie
Stephanie: What's up?
Amandork : Okay, so I really want to dive into what special about this episode today. Today we are talking all things about my favorite service, the VIP intensive. So let's just jump into it. And Stephanie what was your experience like with the VIP intensive?
Stephanie: I laugh because it was horrible and amazing. All the same time, that in the best way possible, it was a frustrating. I would get mad, I would get and then it was amazing. And then I would get mad and pissed off again and then it was amazing. Mainly, user air and how my brain works. And how I Download information.
Amandork : what was frustrating? What was like why were you so frustrated sometimes during it?

Stephanie: Because I wrote this freaking thing out four times. And each time I would hit some random button on my computer and deleted the whole thing. So I would have to start all over again.
Amandork : Okay. technical difficulty.
Stephanie: Yeah, and just being able to dig deep is I guess I didn't know what I was getting into and I was gonna do branding. I didn't realize I was gonna have to go that far down in myself and pull out stuff that I get. I knew was there but I guess I just didn't want to admit or want the hassle of trying to get to where my goal really is. Because sometimes it's easier to stay in one spot.
Amandork : I mean I ask everybody like what their niches and they're like I'm interior designer. that's not a niche,… there's thousands millions of us out there. So how do we really identify? I'm an interior designer who specializes in this and I serve that and this is my style. I mean, there's so many layers to…
Stephanie: Yeah.

Amandork : a better brand in business. what did you kind of come out after doing it several times technical difficulties aside. But I remember we were talking back and forth via messenger and you're like what each time that I'm doing this I'm getting more and…
Stephanie: Yeah.
Amandork : this is exactly what I asked my homeowner clients to give me more, I can't read your minds big deeper. So we're in that hot seat. Having work
Stephanie: it was. I mean what did I figure out? where do you want me to start with that?
Amandork : I mean, we could even just touch on what was the most challenging part first and to see… Because it is an intensive that's why it's called that this is an intense kind of thing.
Stephanie: yeah, yeah. the writing and, initially, my brain dumping process is a couple of words. And I remember I sent you my whole thing and I like some things I didn't answer some things were like one word or sentence, and you're like, Are you joking? Are you taking this? Seriously, You're not even trying. And I was like…
Amandork : And I'm a harsh grader.
Stephanie: I got in trouble, but hindsight that's just my process. And I should have never, sent any of that to you. It's just like I had to go through and start being like, Okay, what is this really mean? What is it, that I really want to do? And it's funny because circle back around to when I first I ended up back to my original idea. when I first started interior design is that I wanted to be an interior design for rockstars and boutique hotels and as you're going through and working you're just like, that's never gonna happen. I can't possibly have that dream. It's too far out there, but now I don't have that attitude anymore. So that's a big plus is I'm like, Okay, no, this is exactly what I am going to be doing. So allowing myself to dream,…
Stephanie: …as big as I wanted to was actually challenging. I Didn't think it would be, and you say things out loud to the universe and you're gonna get them. be careful what you ask for. And totally asking for that So now I'm like, God, okay, it's gonna happen. I'm scared of nervous and excited about that, and then, I think you said something to me, how many clients do you need? And it's I guess, I only need two or three a year. it's not like I'm out there and I need a 12, a day, as a hairstylist or something, So just allowing myself to admit what I really wanted, I think was probably the hardest part.
Amandork : Yes, and that is the number one thing. And that's one of the things that I do mention at the very beginning because you have the video to watch and the worksheets and it's kind of trying to tell you to This is our chance to dream big. let's wave that magic wand and just be kids and think about what are all the fun things that we love and what lights us up and that should be a part of your business and your brand. So it should just be back burner that you're like,…
Stephanie: Yes.
Amandork : just I won't happen. Our brains are kind of our enemy because they want to, Self-doubt is a big one and nope, you can't do it and they want to keep you safe. But you have to say, Thank you brain for trying to keep me safe, but you…

Stephanie: Mmm.
Amandork : changes happening. I need this,…
Stephanie: Yeah.
Amandork : I want this so I'm really excited that.
Amandork : Ok so after a few times, talk about the technical difficulties but you were able to really come back to what is in your heart, what's in your roots of …
Stephanie: Yeah.
Amandork : Wow, I really want to design for this When did that actually happen? how many years ago were you really feeling that and thinking about that? Yeah so excited.
Stephanie: Five.
Amandork : I love it. This is why the VIP intensive has that brand of business clarity…
Stephanie: Yeah.
Amandork : because at the end of it, this has been inside me. I'm pulling it out of you. It's always been there.
Stephanie: Yeah, you definitely did that.
Amandork : So what I mean, we kind of touched on this a little bit but it was beneficial kind of going back to those worksheets and kind of, expanding each time writing a bit more. I was telling you to treat it like a diary entry, And then once that happens what was kind of flowing out of you
Stephanie: My dream avatar clinic.
Amandork : Besides frustration lol.
Stephanie: Yeah, the kind of client, I want the amount of money that I want to make, where I want to work, who I want to work with, who I don't want to work with what style, I want to do, what style, I don't want to do. I mean, all of those things, definitely flush to the surface, each time and I would think the first time I wrote it, I'd be like, Yeah, I like that. But now I'm not gonna put that down. And then the second time, I'd be like, No, I think, okay, I'll put that one down and then it finally came. And I was like, why are you having such a hard time admitting? What you actually want to do? what is there? There was some sort of blockage there and…

Amandork : Right.
Stephanie: I think that's probably common for a lot of people in a lot of different situations, but it helped me to, push everything to the surface. And when I had to do it, I took it as kind of like the universe saying Woman, Being honest here you could do better than what you were trying to do. And so each time it totally helped me. And I never thought that I could say no to anybody. It just didn't seem right. because I need to make money and, I think a lot of people think that especially in the beginning and if I would have never gone through this process, I'd still be doing Whatever anybody came to. Now I'm gonna be like that doesn't really fit me or my business which is kind of exciting. I don't know.
Amandork : Yes, because you don't need to take everybody anymore. in your business, currently, you're beyond that point. I don't think you desperately need to take every single client and every single style, I mean, even if you are just starting in your business, I always recommend not to do that but I understand for more of the newbies who are like, I don't really know my style yet, but I kind of want to learn and see.
Stephanie: Yeah I think that was me, I had to go through some different design styles because I was always kind of taught or told. To be a designer for everybody. it's not about my style,…
Amandork : Right.
Stephanie: it's about their style. So I can design for anybody and sure can I guess. Am I gonna get joy in really rock it? No. Not going to.
Amandork : I'm so glad you said that because I always talk about do not be that chameleon, do not that schizophrenic. Okay, I'm gonna be this day that day and I don't know, I've never done that style but I'll learn, and it's like, being a jack of all trades isn't always the best thing for your time. Like you said, and what really fills your cup at the end of the day. It's just like I was doing farmhouse and traditional and beige and rage. I was just like, no, I can do it, I can do it. And then I'm just so burnt out by the end of it and my God, I hate this. It's like wait, this is my business, should I control who I say? I work with and don't work with. So it's very powerful to have the mindset right through this experience to know that you are the CEO of your own brand,…
Stephanie: Yes.
Amandork : your own business. You can decide who you don't work with. Because I think there was a project that you had mentioned…
Stephanie: Right. I got into business. Sorry, go ahead.
Amandork : that you were like, I'm not even gonna get this photographed because, I don't even want to share it and it's just like then why are you doing it? That’s a time waster.
Stephanie: Yeah. I get it now.
Amandork : I mean it's just there for you, people…
Stephanie: Yeah.

Amandork : Who want that website? It's like, Wait a second. We have a lot more work to do before. we will get to that. So this is all just to help you at the end of the day have a better foundation to your business so your website, branding and social media have more purpose, can be more resonating and targeting your ideal client..
Stephanie: Yeah.
Amandork : And I hope by the end of this. You found a lot of clarity, …
Stephanie: yeah.
Amandork : and a lot of benefits to it. So it was beneficial and it was almost kind of cathartic too. And just very, eye-opening. So let's talk about. Did you have any of those moments through this experience?

Stephanie: I've had a lot.
Amandork : And usually, yeah, yeah. Okay.
Stephanie: I'm just gonna go through them. So, allowing myself to speak. My truth was a big one, not holding back. What my absolute dream of being an interior designer is and being able to Say it out loud instead of just it was way back in my head I had to speak it on my mouth.
Amandork : Right.

Stephanie: Realizing And you've said this in the beginning and then I kind of keep going back and forth but I'm also a Feng Shui interior designer. So realizing that that is a good part of my niche that I should push forward plus. I'm also a medium and I do Reiki. So if I can kind of push all that together and…
Amandork : And yeah.
Stephanie: do interior design, that's cool, that's a cool niche. figuring out…
Amandork : Yes.
Stephanie: what my total design style is I have a lot of things that I like but my three main things was a good thing. The of clients. I don't want to work with That was kind of a big, a for me. As far as who are these people that I want. And I was able to flush that to the surface too as far as what I didn't want and what I do want. So that was cool. The fact that I really only need two to three clients a year when that was so that just clicked in your brain I was like, my God. of course you can have little fillers right here and…
Amandork : Right.
Stephanie: but design projects if they're the caliber that I'm going to take I can't take more than two or…
Amandork : Yeah.
Stephanie: three a year traveling I really want to be a traveling into your designer. So I want to be able to have a broad reach Basically throughout the whole United States. So I want to be able to go to them and…
Stephanie: I don't really care where they are. I'd really like him to be in Santa Fe but other places are cool too. being okay. Releasing control to you of what my logo looks like, and what the colors are and the branding, and, we've talked about this, I think you probably know me better than most people now. So if you can't get this right, then it's not going to get right.
Amandork : Better than your husband, right?
Stephanie: Able to open up and allow someone who has an eye for what you do. I'm not a graphic designer, I am not a website maker. I don't know how to do any of that. And so being able to give the, control, there's a huge theme of control here, giving up control.
Amandork : Your referencing when I did the audit part of the VIP intensive is that audit. And I'm looking at your social media, I'm giving you some criticism and feedback and, you could do this instead and same for your website. So I don't mean to be negative at the same time, I want to give you guys Constructive feedback of this is…
Stephanie: Okay.
Amandork : how you probably are losing. A lot of people. You might be, talking generally to everybody on your site on your social media and whatever, but you're also losing them. You think by including everyone,…
Stephanie: Yeah.
Amandork : you're gonna get more, you're repelling because no one's resonating with that website or that copy or that social media post, who is it speaking to.
Stephanie: And let's see, I'm just be once again control being able to let go and trust the process. And what I'm reading, what I wrote and it's like now I'm in putty in your hands. you can just whatever you want.
Amandork : Yeah.
Stephanie: I'm not changing my name, I love the name of my business, but I'm open to many other things. So, yeah, I think I had a lot of, a movements, and there's probably more than I can't even think of, but Those are the main.

Amandork : Okay, good because I think some people are nervous about, kind of letting go and giving into the process, I mean everyone is but by the end of it, you have more clarity and more appreciation of your time and where your business can head and just life in general there's a lot of things that I do challenge you guys about but it's all just really to benefit you and your business at the end of the day. It's not about me. I promise you.
Stephanie: Your business is your baby, I grew this from scratch so I'm very possessive over it. So to allow somebody to Give me your baby. I'm gonna raise it for a year Now. You're like, No, that's my baby. You can't have it. So, Building the trust and…
Amandork : Good.
Stephanie: learning what you do and all the fabulous stuff you got going on. I'm like, okay, she can have my baby.
Amandork : Because I mean, let's touch on that a little bit. what were you specifically struggling with before the VIP intensive? Uh- Right.
Stephanie: I didn't have a niche. At all. And I think whether I don't know that I knew that was a struggle but it was
Stephanie: and same thing allowing myself to sit in the power that I actually have instead of trying to put my power and things that aren't Cozy, cabin vibe, not my strength because I don't like it. So it's hard for me to do that kind of work, not being able to say no to projects,…

Amandork : Right.
Stephanie: I'd say yes to pretty much everything. I did have a lot of projects that were great, but there are some that I'm just like, Should have never taken that should have never. And not. Allowing myself to fully dive into what my design style is. because I've always been told you have to be for everybody that I didn't want to actually put out what my design still was because I thought that would Deflect people. But in reality I want it to deflect people because I don't want everybody else client. I want these two or three people every year and
Stephanie: Spending money on my business, I think I don't know. that's just a personal you,…

Amandork : Why do you think that?
Stephanie: Money has a weird. Hold on me, it's something I'm constantly working on, but to put that kind of money into myself which is my business, just
Stephanie: I don't know, scary, I don't have a real good reason.
Amandork : Yeah.
Stephanie: I think it just goes, it's way deeper than that and I've done other things For my business but having I think control it's control.
Amandork : I was gonna say it's probably stemmed with control there and…
Stephanie: It's control.
Amandork : letting go and Okay.

Stephanie: Yeah. Yeah, that's probably it.
Amandork : But another interesting thing that came up during the VIP intensive and your questionnaire was the hairdresser thing and…
Stephanie: Mm-hmm
Amandork : that you still cut hair, But for a long time you were more of like a full-time stylist and…
Stephanie: Yep.
Amandork : that also taught you you mention that to not talk about yourself.
Stephanie: right. Yes.

Amandork : And so that's why I think this was hard for you that it's been ingrained. I mean, how many years have you been cutting hair? And having to be that hairdresser that is quiet and just ask the questions and let's see. Other person talk.
Stephanie: Yeah, I've been doing here for 33 years and the whole time especially when I was learning is you don't talk about yourself, you do not talk about yourself, you do not talk about your family, don't talk about your kids, it's all about the client. And so when I actually have to share about myself, I'm like, Nobody wants to know that. Nobody cares, nobody wants to know, that so it is harder for me to like Okay, you got to take the hairdresser hat off and put on the Learning interior designer hat so yeah, that was difficult and I never thought about how that those two things connected was interesting.
Amandork : So yeah the hairdresser thing and…
Stephanie: Yeah, so that was another awesome moment. Mmm.
Amandork : then just giving up control also and then not sharing not I mean all those things are really making it hard and I can see why. Now the frustration of trying to open up when you've been taught. Wait, I'm a chameleon. It's not about me for interior design and then wait, I was a hairdresser and I don't really talk much about myself. I mean, those are really budding heads.
Stephanie: Yeah.
Amandork : So I mean, I'm glad that we also work on kind of mindset too throughout this process really help Wait…
Stephanie: Yeah.
Amandork : why is this happening? Why are you struggling without even knowing? Because you thought you were fine before. what?
Stephanie: yeah.
Amandork : Actually, no, there's all these things that are preventing.
Stephanie: So many life lessons, I wasn't expecting to get out of this.
Amandork : And then you even said, You're gonna know me, or more than my partner. I'm just like yeah, at this point. but, I mean, light at the tunnel, out of all of that What have you learned after?
Stephanie: yeah.
Amandork : Watching those recordings that I did kind of your worksheets breaking down the questionnaire doing the audit of your social media and your website. I mean there's got to be some good gold kernels there, right?
Stephanie: Yeah. I now know what my niches completely. I know what style I want to do completely. It's okay. Not to take everybody and not having to compromise who I am at my core just to make money.
Amandork : Yes. Ding. Ding. Ding.
Stephanie: Yeah, yeah. And like I said before I think for me I had to go through all of that because I hate to say that. I think I always knew what my design style was I just was scared to Make it known because I didn't want. To scare off everybody and if I truly be myself I will scare off s*** ton of people and I've realized that that is I'm not for everybody and that's great. I don't want to be for everybody.
Amandork : Yeah.
Stephanie: I've learned, yeah.
Amandork : and just a side note with your design style isn't really crazy to be honest, it is definitely more out there than Farmhouse or traditional shore.
Stephanie: Yeah.
Amandork : But trust me. We're not as individualized as we think. We're not those little snowflakes that we believe we truly are. And no one else would possibly X or Y. I do honestly, there are other amandorks out there, there's maybe not millions of us but there's thousands,
Stephanie: Yeah.
Amandork : and if you think of wait, if you had a thousand clients that you could work with, that's a s*** ton of people …

Stephanie: That's too many.
Amandork : how many can you really take on in a week or a month?
Amandork : Your style is layered and I love it and we'll talk more about it later but that's just something I want to bust right now, with that myth, that nobody else, likes the style I like. And it's like, there's a lot and it doesn't even matter what style it is, I promise There are others that, vibe with it for sure.
Stephanie: What else I learned? I learned that I need somebody strong to push me because if you were a weak woman, we would not get along.
Amandork : Okay, it's fine.
Stephanie: I can't even.

Amandork : Like girl,…you f*** do that again.
Stephanie: Yeah exactly.
Stephanie: I cannot. So I'm a strong bold person. So if you're not strong and bold back to me, I will not respect you and I will not listen to what you have to say. So
Amandork : All right.
Amandork : I think I called you You're my teenager client with skipping questions. Putting one word answer. I could just picture you like that. I don't have a niche. Okay so we're doing this. go to your room redo it.
Stephanie: I know and now I feel like I can, fly my design flag proudly of what I am and what I do and the kind of clients that I want to have. So all the things that I've been working on that have come to the surface. I want to scream it now to everybody. Yeah.
Amandork : Yes, that's so exciting. I'm very appreciative that I was like. I'm gonna be a b**** right now but you have to do this again. all right.
Stephanie: Yeah.
Amandork : But then after I think it was later that day or I'm getting so much out of this the second time, that you volunteered to do it even a third time. That's just like, cool, good. I'm glad you're getting more out of it.
Stephanie: I got to the point where I was like, Okay I'm excited to write about this now. once the gates unlocked and I was like Okay go ahead Stephanie put it all out on paper What you really really want…
Amandork : Right.
Stephanie: then it was just like blah.
Amandork : I think you were maybe holding back 33 years of pent up not necessarily frustration I think. But just, …

Stephanie: Yeah.
Amandork : you've had to be not guarded but just like, okay, I don't talk about myself. It's about the client for interiors and hairdresser, and just that leaves you not speaking about. You not really putting, yourself out there and your ideas. And there's so much going on in the back burner that it's like, no, we got to put that out, we got to learn more about you and your preferences. And I think that probably scared you Wait, me you want to know what I like. No one wants to hear my story. It's like,…
Stephanie: No.
Amandork : no, we do. Because you are one of the coolest people for edesign, interior design that I have met. And, that from our little group, we had years ago that I picked all the cool kids and you are one of them and
Stephanie: I appreciate that.
Amandork : You definitely have walls, you know what I mean? you're a little more guarded. It was harder to Get to know you and I don't know why because you're just so cool and nice and wonderful. And it's just like, I really had to peel these layers back to get to the kernel, Amazing. Rumble interiors.
Stephanie: Thank I have an issue with that. I know I do, but my head, I always think. if that person has enough just even being approached out in the world. If you approach me, people don't approach me. If I do get approached by somebody. I'm always like, Yeah, if you're approaching me, I think we're gonna have to talk because I'm not approachable.
Amandork : I approached you years ago and…
Stephanie: So yeah.
Amandork : I'm like, my God, you're so cool. You're in my group and you're just cool.
Amandork : It was always one word answers, like Yeah.
Stephanie: Yeah. my God.
Amandork : like she said,…
Stephanie: We're breaking down my whole personality.
Amandork : It was like oceans 8 with all the women that was our crew.
Stephanie: Yeah. I love. Yeah, everybody that's come true. Yeah.
Amandork : Okay, so after all of this I mean,…
Stephanie: Okay.
Amandork : would you recommend this for other business owners out there? Other New edesigners or interior designers out there.
Stephanie: Are you, f*** kidding me- yes. I think everybody needs to do it, Everybody.
Amandork : Yeah.
Stephanie: It helps you get to the bottom of what. Is truly going to bring you joy, And realizing that your business is actually about you and what you want, you get to make all the choices yourself, just like you're saying, this is my business. I get to do it how I want to and I was always feeling like I had to do it for other people, not for myself.
Stephanie: And you made it fun you're fun to be around and fun to talk to. So that's cool and you push and I think that anybody could use that I don't care if you've been an interior designer for 20 years or 10 five years branding is not something that I even thought about when I was, I think you kind of Casually along the way, end up with a brand, whether you knew you were doing it or not. But knowing that, my brand is me. and what I can bring to my business is big and having somebody to help you Bring that out of you and…
Stephanie: you pull and you push and push and push. And I think that anybody who has a mediocre business or are scared to put themselves out there you make it feel like it's comfortable in the right thing to do. That makes any sense.
Amandork : Yes. Yes, love that. Thank you so much. I'm so glad that you did this and… I convinced you to do it…
Stephanie: And we do.
Amandork : because I hate when people just want to rush over to just the website or just the logo,…
Stephanie: Yeah.
Amandork : And it's just like there's so much I guess I'm more of a Yeah like and…
Stephanie: it's a whole package. Mm-hmm.
Amandork : I go at it as a more holistic approach of let's start from the beginning. all the steps that you skipped because people want At the end of the day, they want a website that can give them more clients. It's like, right now your website's not speaking to anybody. or…
Stephanie: Yeah.
Amandork : Let's go back, the drawing board and kind of see Who are we actually trying to target?
Stephanie: Yep.
Amandork : So there's all these marketing things that we learn through this experience that I think you're way up to speed on now. But let's go.
Stephanie: Yes, practice.
Amandork : Let's rewind a bit and now, talk about how we met years ago.

Stephanie: If my memory serves me it was Covid, And I don't know you must have gone through Instagram and…
Amandork : Yeah.
Stephanie: picked out. I don't know if there was seven of us or maybe there was more eight of us and…
Amandork : Eight or eight. Mm-hmm.
Stephanie: you asked us to, I can't remember how you put it, but it was like, let's
Amandork : We did weekly design challenges. Yeah.
Stephanie: Buy weekly designed. Yes. So we would mood boards on Photoshop,…which I had to learn how to use while we were doing that. So that was cool. First kind of something fun to do and you gave us themes of different
Amandork : Probably most.
Stephanie: Different themes. So we had Second City,…
Amandork : Yeah.
Stephanie: we had Halloween, we had Christmas, we had Friends and…
Amandork : Friends. Yeah.
Stephanie: so that gave us something to do during Covid and then we all shared each other's stuff. Yeah, that was really fun. I still look back at those mood boards and God, I can't even believe I made those. They're pretty cool. That.
Amandork : I know we were all part of the Edesign tribe and I was looking around, trying to look for the cool kids and sorry to say there's so many beige and greige farmhouse and, very typical kind of what I think of is like the cliche designer. That's like Okay you haven't done my VIP intensive yet. I know you're way cooler under the surface.
Stephanie: Yeah. Yeah.
Amandork : But your work really stood out!
Stephanie: Thank you.
Amandork : The seven other girls, eight of us. We were the coolest out of that tribe. So I gathered everybody and just was, just being my social butterfly self and my gosh you're awesome. what let's learn about edesign and…
Stephanie: Yeah.
Amandork : we had our group chat. So we just kind of shared in there Hey I'm working on this or I'm using this platform or it was really collaborative. it was our little pod before.
Stephanie: And I was a baby back then.
Amandork : We all were kind of learning things and sharing as we were going with we need to be more business savvy and we need to be more on social media and we just were trying to pick each other's brains and…
Stephanie: Yeah.
Amandork : let's figure this out. And our main struggle was just posting and so that's why I was like, let's just do something every two weeks and I'll make a theme, and then it'll be fun because we need to post more and we need to expand our portfolios.
Stephanie: Yeah.
Amandork : So it was like, we have holidays. We did, New Years, Christmas Thanksgiving and all these other funny, weird ones in between. And, I mean, people started taking notice of it because it was eight of us every other, Wednesday, posting, and then other designers would be like, Wow, this is so cool. can we do this too? And so we started getting guests, participating with us and it just grew like, people would be like what's the hashtag like he designed sisters, use the hashtag, Wednesday just share your mood board about like you said Sex in the City friends. I mean, It was wild.
Stephanie: It was super fun. It was fun.
Amandork : And I loved your style. that's how I came across your profile because you had Southwestern Maximalists, sometimes a little Feng shui and I'll just whoa. there were not very many Maximalist designers in that group. So you really stood out and…
Stephanie: No, it was not.
Amandork : it was amazing, Wow, let's talk about that style. How would you describe it? Is it more maximalist of the heart of it or more southwestern,
Stephanie: It's more. Eclectic. With layers of southwestern maximalist in there.
Amandork : Yeah. Yeah.
Stephanie: I mean, Maximalists covers a lot of things, right? It's just put a whole bunch of s** up there purposely, right?
Amandork : I think there's a bit of glam in your work.
Stephanie: there is a bit of glam,…
Amandork : It's like Rock glam.
Stephanie: it's like, Rock glam, I like that. but southwestern remember that picture I sent you. It was gold and brown and fur and black leather, and and it wasn't even colorful, but I was just like God love that. I love rich textures patterns.
Amandork : Yes.
Stephanie: I love to I don't think I don't like matchy. I don't even necessarily balance. I know That's part of interior design but I don't like rules.
Amandork : No, no, I'm huge on asymmetry I like making asymmetrical designs too.
Stephanie: it's asymmetry. Yeah, and I understand learn the rules and then you can break them. Of course, I learned a lot of stuff like that in design school, but I don't like to follow trends. I just like to use what I like, I love to use people's collections and people stuff and people's things that they have hidden in boxes that they've collected. But they don't know what to do with like that. That's turns me on.
Amandork : What?
Stephanie: So layered, like I would and feng shui of course which I'm gonna focus on putting more of that out there as well. Kind of function. It doesn't have to be just minimalistic, right? You can be a maximalist and still have function going on in your house.
Amandork : Really Because I haven't tapped that much into feng shui. So I'd love to learn more and I kind of do want to ask you more about the function way because there were little moments of it before and then in the worksheets it was like Why isn't this more a part of your style like this? you can actually pay more or get paid more for having this specialty because I'm someone who's like I don't understand any of it…
Stephanie: You yeah.
Amandork : but I'm interested and I want to pay you give me a little course, a little rundown and I just thought this is such a cool thing.
Stephanie: Yeah.
Amandork : That means a lot to you. That hasn't been really addressed. you're afraid to let people know because you don't think that they would appreciate it or drive with it, but Somebody who's an outsider? Would like me is just like no that's cool. I want to learn more.
Stephanie: Feng ui. And I don't think of Feng Shui as a design style. So when I was trying to like, what's your style Feng shui isn't a design style. It's a way of living, I guess. and it's about I think of it as a living breathing.
Stephanie: I'm having a brain fart. What are those boards that you make vision board? It's a living breathing vision board for your home. So you use your home as your vision board.

Amandork : okay, cool.
Stephanie: And there's different kinds of function. I do what's called Black Hat and it's from your front door, there's nine sections of your house, you split it up into nine sections, in each section represents Different areas of your life. So your whole home is a reflection of absolutely everything that goes on in your life. So for instance, I went to somebody's house yesterday and she was talking about her love life and I said, let's go look at your love section of your home and we went in there and it was a Disaster. And so I kind of told her, a couple things to do and I could see why your love life is a disaster just by looking at this room.
Stephanie: And she like, a two cock in the morning last night, she completely redid the whole room with everything that I told her. And I was like, how do you feel? she's like, this is the most amazing, this room has ever felt. And I'm like, God, I really need to get this out there, so you can do any style with Feng Shui.
Amandork : Okay,…
Stephanie: It doesn't matter.
Amandork : Gotcha. I love that.
Stephanie: Yeah. but,
Amandork : No. I believe should have a whole podcast on that that would be really exciting.
Stephanie: There's a lot to go, it's funny, I used to have a podcast, I had a podcast called What the f*** Is Feng Shui? And I probably had eight episodes and I just was like, and I kind of fizzled out on it, but
Amandork : No, that is the best title you just get Cooler and cooler. I just Like there's an account on you.
Stephanie: Yeah.
Amandork : It's just, you pressing me. And you have a good voice for podcasts.
Stephanie: my God. Okay, thank you.
Amandork : I have Bart Simpson voice. Hey man.
Amandork : But yours is totally for a podcast, It's cool and hip and mellow and I'm like, Hey guys, you would not want me on your podcasts.
Stephanie: Okay, we all think we sound differently than we actually do. I think?
Amandork : Wait, what do I sound like? I swear Bart Simpson.
Stephanie: It's no, it's not. You're not that. No. You.
Amandork : Hanging. Okay.
Stephanie: It's from your voice. Sounds good. No, you don't sound like Bart Simpson. I promise.
Amandork : Okay, speaking of trends, I asking about, what trends are you following? And I love your answer, which is none. But then,…that doesn't give us something to talk about.
Stephanie: I'm not a trend Follower.
Amandork : Stephanie: But I did see you said whatever's going on at Cb2 right now is rocking my world.
Stephanie: Everything in that in I actually made two mood boards, kind of like we used to do back in the day and…
Stephanie: Off of it just because I love everything they've got going on in there. It's so edgy and different and…
Amandork : and for fall,…
Stephanie: Yeah.
Amandork : Okay, I'm pulling it up right now.
Amandork : It looks really cool.
Stephanie: Yeah. Mm-hmm
Amandork : Wow.
Amandork : The black velvet
Stephanie: A lot of technical and…
Stephanie: yeah, a lot of velvet. I love it.
Amandork : They seriously rock. Okay, I'm going to close it out. What else is curious What is she talking about?
Stephanie: Yeah.
Amandork : So really cool. It almost looks a little bewitching, their fall line right now.
Stephanie: Yeah. That. Mm-hmm.
Amandork : With the dark velvets and maroons and florals and dead leaves and stuff. It's like we got a witch vibe here.
Stephanie: I know. And Gwyneth Paltrow has her own line with Cb2. I'm like
Amandork : Yeah. You can too!
Stephanie: I mean, I'm not going to consulting, but I want my own line with Cb2, that's my goal …
Amandork : I could see that. Yes. Okay.
Stephanie: let's get me that, okay.
Amandork : So you have two projects that you're working on or one project that you want to share with us. So We know…
Stephanie: yeah.
Amandork : what kind of projects you do.
Stephanie: Yeah, I have two projects, I'm working on right now. one is a full gut remodel because they had a flood, and…we have to go through insurance. So that's taking a long time, but it's cozy cabin.
Amandork : No.
Stephanie: So I'm working with my design partner on it, and she's kind of the general contractor and I'm the designer and it's still going to be pretty. Not I'm trying. I'm really putting them like I got them to agree to wallpaper.
Amandork : Right.
Stephanie: I got them to agree to some chandeliers, so I think I can.
Amandork : Hey.
Stephanie: It might be something. I'll photograph and Pete, little vignette parts of it. I think we'll be cool.
Amandork : Alright.
Stephanie: And then my other project is, the hired me as a consulting. It's a two-year project for it's a 1913. Craftsman home that they have completely gutted down to the studs. And these people have wackadoo taste and…
Amandork : Whoa.
Stephanie: It. we've got taxidermy giraffe, we each room kind of has a different theme Which I don't think whole homes have to all flow together. I love the idea of opening up a door and just being what is going here? and then shutting it in then you walk in. So each room is kind of different. It has a,…
Amandork : Yeah.
Stephanie: the front room has some flow. But all the other rooms that have closed doors, you're gonna walk in and have a totally different vibe in each. It's like a themed house almost. So, I'm just there to make sure that they don't do anything,…
Amandork :
Stephanie: ugly or stupid and pick out all the wallpaper in the paint in the furniture. and they're really fun. They're like my ideal client, they're my ideal client.
Amandork : Yes. Okay, cool.
Stephanie: Yeah, so, going to be a super fun project in the end. And then
Amandork : But what's your style or is it just like
Stephanie: What's their style? Eclectic. Yeah,… I mean everything from Pee-wee Herman. To.
Amandork : that's how I describe my house.
Stephanie: Pack the German giraffes to weird monkey lights that are hanging on a rope. Different wallpaper,…

Amandork : The World Market ones.
Stephanie: what's that? I don't know where they came from, they showed them to me, they're like we love these, we're gonna buy them. I was like that's for the jungle bathroom, there's a jungle bathroom, there's a jungle parlor,…
Stephanie: there's wallpaper everywhere. One of the bathrooms in the niche in the shower is Pink tile with alien wallpaper little spaceships. That's hot pink and white. it's
Amandork :